Medical Indemnity &

Many of you will have experienced the same headache as us when trying to sort out indemnity which covers you for remote expeditions. That's why we've teamed up with Saepio to offer an easy solution, available to everyone without the faff.

This medical malpractice insurance is intended to cover doctors undertaking expeditions anywhere on the globe underwritten by an A rated insurer. It's available to anyone regardless of which organisation you are working with/for, whether voluntary or paid. Nurses and paramedics operate under slightly different legalities so should seek indemnity directly from your college or union instead. Medical students do not need indemnity and must practice under supervision.
Cover Includes:
Our Expedition Medic Insurance policy will provide cover against all sums which you shall become legally liable to pay as damages (including claimants costs) for any claim made against you during the period of insurance for:
Negligence or breach of a duty of care arising as a result of your business
Your policy will also pay all defence costs incurred in connection with any agreed claim provided that the total amount payable in respect of damages and defence costs does not exceed £1,000,000 (or any other limit of indemnity as stated in the Certificate Schedule).
Extensions Of Cover:
Breach of confidentiality (limited to £25,000 each claim and in the aggregate during the period of insurance)
Breach of intellectual property (limited to £25,000 each claim and in the aggregate during the period of insurance)
Coroners inquests
Court attendance costs (£100 per day for employees and £250 per day for directors up to a maximum of £25,000)
Dishonesty of employees (limited to £25,000 each claim and in the aggregate during the period of insurance)
Extended notification period (up to 60 days following expiry of coverage to notify any claims or circumstances)
Good Samaritan Acts
Loss of Documents (limited to £25,000 each claim and in the aggregate during the period of insurance)
Public Relations Expenses (limited to £25,000 each claim and in the aggregate during the period of insurance)
Representation costs (limited to £25,000 each claim and in the aggregate during the period of insurance)
Work as a sub-contractor or agency work
Work performed on your behalf by subcontractors (subject to their own insurance being in force)
Limits And Excesses:
£1,000,000 Limit of Indemnity applicable to each and every claim and in the aggregate during the period of insurance
£1,000 excess each and every claim and in the aggregate during the period of insurance